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谢旻 副教授
发布时间: 2022-05-09 浏览次数: 405





办公电话: 13672205770

电子邮箱: xiemin@jxnu.edu.cn



  1. 2004.9-2009.07 博士,北京师范大学量子光学专业,导师:杨国建教授;

  2. 2000.09-2004.07 本科,北京师范大学物理学系物理学专业。


  1. 2018.12-至今 副教授,江西师范大学35273登录入口-App Store;

  2. 2009.07-2018.12 讲师,江西师范大学35273登录入口-App Store。


  1. 国家自然科学基金地区项目基金:基于干涉效应的随机共振现象及其应用研究,项目编号:120640182021.01-2024.12,在研,主持;

  2. 2019年度江西省教育厅科学技术项目一般项目:原子-腔系统中量子随机共振与量子相干效应的研究,项目编号:GJJ1916832020.01-2022.12,在研,主持。


  1. 202010月,荣获第五届全国青年教师教学竞赛理科组三等奖,中国教科文卫体工会全国委员会;

  2. 20207月,荣获第四届江西省青年教师教学竞赛理科组一等奖第一名,江西省教育厅,江西省教育工会;

  3. 201911月,荣获江西师范大学青年教师教学竞赛一等奖,江西师范大学;

  4. 20187月,荣获首届全国青年教师电磁学课堂讲课大赛三等奖,教育部高等学校物理学类专业教学指导委员会;

  5. 第六届、第七届华夏杯全国物理教学创新大赛暨物理教育研究论坛中荣获优秀指导教师奖,全国高等物理教育研究会。


  1. Tianhui Qiu*, Hui Li, Min Xie*, and Hongyang Ma, Reversible storage and manipulation of light pulses with orbital angular momentum, Quantum Information Processing 19, 52 (2020);

  2. T. H. Qiu, H. Li, M. Xie*, Q. Liu, and H. Y. Ma, Coherent generation and manipulation of entangled stationary photons based on a multiple degrees of freedom quantum memory, Optics Express 27, 27477 (2019);

  3. Min Xie*, Bixuan Fan, Xiaoli He, and Qingqing Chen, Interference effect in optomechanical stochastic resonance, Physical Review E 98, 052202 (2018);

  4. Min Xie*, Weidong Zhou, Wei Ye, Yinquan Hu, and Liyun Hu, Preparation and properties of a non-classical state by quantum catalysis and two-mode squeezing, Laser Physics 28, 095203 (2018);

  5. Min Xie*, Fangzhou Wu, Peng Wu, and Guojian Yang, Generation and stabilization of entanglement in a cascaded atoms-cavity system, Quantum Information Processing 14, 2477 (2015);

  6. Min Xie, Tianhui Qiu, Jianyu Meng, and Guojian Yang, Investigation of a simplified model of storage and retrieval of light in a thermal atomic system, Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 26, 2261 (2009);

  7. Tianhui Qiu, Hui Li, Min Xie, Qian Liu, Wei Jiang, Libo Chen, Yuncai Feng, Peioei Xin, and Xiaolong Zhao, Efficient polarization beam splitter based on the optimized stationary light pulse, Quantum Information Processing 20, 115 (2021);

  8. Tianhui Qiu, Hui Li, and Min Xie, Efficient generation of stationary light pulses due to coupling between two lower levels, The European Physical Journal Plus 136, 255 (2021);

  9. T. H. Qiu, H. Li, M. Xie, Q. Liu, H. Y. Ma, and R. Xu, Efficient all-optical router and beam splitter for light with orbital angular momentum, Optics Express 28, 19750 (2020);

  10. Bixuan Fan, Jiahui Ning, Min Xie, Cunjin Liu, and Shengguo Guan, Coherent feedback induced transparency, Optics Express 28, 28243 (2020);

  11. Danying Yu, Min Xie, Yanbei Cheng, and Bixuan Fan, Noise-induced temporal regularity and signal amplification in an optomechanical system with parametric instability, Optics Express 28, 32433 (2018);

  12. Bixuan Fan and Min Xie, Stochastic resonance in a tristable optomechanical system, Physical Review A 95, 023808 (2017).

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